Fishing is the flagship experience at Equinox. With our extensive and diverse fishing experience in Southeast Alaska, we have the know-how to get you hooked up. Whether on the fly, a spinning rod or saltwater gear, you’ll enjoy some of the finest fishing that Southeast Alaska has to offer. While year round fishing is possible, our most enjoyable and productive months are April through October.
You are welcome to bring your own fishing gear, but we are fully outfitted to catch any fish that swims in these waters. Equinox has a literal boat load of tried and true fresh and saltwater tackle as well as crab and shrimp pots.
Alaska is known for world class commercial and sport fishing. Our fisheries are the lifeblood of this great state and we take management of this resource seriously. Most Alaskan fisheries are a product of several decades of science-based sustainable management practices. It is important to us that our sport, commercial and subsistence fisheries remain viable for generations to come. We respect the regulations that are put in place and we appreciate every fish - from the first take to the dinner plate.
Sitka is on the outer coast and is known to have some of the best King Salmon catch rates in the region. In addition to King Salmon, our guests also target Coho (Silver) Salmon, Sockeye Salmon, Halibut, Rockfish and Ling Cod. While run timing is somewhat dependent on environmental factors like weather, temperature and prey abundance, here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of when specific species are typically targeted:
King Salmon - the largest of the salmon species are most abundant in May, June, and July.
Coho Salmon - the smaller, but more acrobatic, cousin to the King start transecting the waters around Baranof Island from mid-July to October.
Sockeye Salmon - the distinctive “red” salmon is a favorite subsistence fish among Alaskans. While less common in Sitka than King and Coho, they can be seen in small numbers throughout Southeast Alaska from June to August.
Halibut, Rockfish and Ling Cod - these “local” fish aren’t considered seasonal as they live year round in the waters around Sitka and Southeast Alaska. These species can be caught from April to October.
Unlike river systems in the interior of Alaska, those in Southeast, Alaska have carved their way through granite mountains. The systems are generally shorter and narrower, but each bend offers a new perspective and a new hole to be tested. River fishing is catch and release and can be enjoyed with a fly rod or spin gear. If you’re looking for a freshwater fishing adventure, here are some general guidelines on timing to help you plan your getaway:
Steelhead - an ocean run Rainbow Trout can be found in several Baranof Island rivers in April and May. These fish are large and powerful - and for the Steely lover, this time of year makes for an excellent early season trip.
Trout - our local trout populations start to wake up in May and become really active around mid-June. You can catch Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden and Cutthroat Trout.
Salmon - several rivers on Baranof Island are the spawning grounds for targeted salmon species. Pink and Chum Salmon are incredibly abundant in most local rivers from July through August. Cohos are seen in-river beginning in late August and running through October.
River fishing involves some non-trail hiking and entering/exiting a raft. We recommned guests be able to make a 2ft step if they would like to enjoy river fishing.